Search results for cg01986630


Author PMID Outcome Exposure Tissue Analysis N CpG Location Gene Beta P
Mulder RH 33450751 DNA methylation age Whole blood Model 1 with age as a fixed effect 2338 cg01986630 chr16:53946263 FTO -0.0017 0E+00
Battram T 30602389 DNA methylation Tissue Buccal cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells EWAS Catalog re-analysis of GEO data. GEO accession ID is GSE124366. Tissue types are buccal epithelial cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells 215 cg01986630 chr16:53946263 FTO 0.13 9.3E-63
Wozniak MB 23526956 DNA methylation Clear cell renal carcinoma Clear cell renal carcinoma tumour cells, adjacent healthy cells NA 129 cg01986630 chr16:53946263 FTO NA 3.6E-56
Bonder MJ 25282492 DNA methylation Fetal vs adult liver Liver NA 195 cg01986630 chr16:53946263 FTO -2.05945 8.4E-34
Mulder RH 33450751 DNA methylation age Whole blood Model 2 at 6y with age as a fixed effect 2338 cg01986630 chr16:53946263 FTO 0.0073 1E-10
Sikdar S 31536415 DNA methylation Smoking Whole blood, CD4+ T cells, CD14+ monocytes random effects meta-analysis 15907 cg01986630 chr16:53946263 FTO 0.0045 1.2E-09
Kupers L 31015461 Birthweight DNA methylation Cord blood meta analysis all ancestries 8825 cg01986630 chr16:53946263 FTO -56.4 1.8E-05




*this tab-deliminated tsv file contains the full set of associations and variables, i.e. those in the downloadable catalog.